Oasis of Line Dancing

Wet (Sep11)

20/09/2011 15:35

Wall: 4
Level: Intermediate
Choreographer: Craig Bennett (England) Sept 2011
Music: Nicole Scherzinger – Wet [Album Killer Lover]

Start after 32 counts at the beginning of the vocals

[1-8] Right Scuff Step, Left Sailor, Right Behind, Side, Cross, Hold & Cross.
1,2                           Scuff right foot, replace weight onto right
3&4                          Left behind right, right next to left, left to side
5&6                          Right behind left, left to left side, cross right over left
7&8                          Hold, step left to left side, cross right over left

[9-16] Left Rock, Recover & Sailor ¼ Turn, Right Rock, Recover & Coaster Step
1,2                           Rock left to left side, recover
3&4                          Left behind right, right to side, step ¼ turn left onto left foot [9 o’clock]
5,6                           Rock forward onto right, recover,
7&8                          Step right back, step left next to right, step forward right

[17-24] Step Turn, Step Turn Step, Hold, Side & Side Together
1,2                           Step Left, 1/2 turn Right onto right foot [3 o’clock]
3,4                           Step forward left ½ turn left stepping back onto right foot [9 o’clock]
5,6                           Step left to the left making a ¼ turn left , hold [6 o’clock]
7&8                          Step right next to left, left to left side, touch right next to left

[25-32] Extended Vine to Right, Right Rock Recover
1,2                           Right to right side, left behind right, ,
&3,4                         Right to right side, cross left across right, right to right side,
5&6                          Left behind right , right to right side, cross left across right
7,8                           Rock right to right side, recover

[33-40] Sailor ¼ Turn, Left Rock Forward, Shuffle ½ Turn, Shuffle ½ Turn
1&2                          Right to the right side, left behind right, step right ¼ turn to the right [9 o’clock]
3,4                           Rock forward onto left, recover,
5&6                          ¼ turn to the left onto the left, step right next to left, ¼ turn to the left onto the left
7&8                          Step ¼ turn to the left onto the right foot, step left next to right, step ¼ turn to the left onto the right foot

[41-48] Left Coaster, Step, Jazz Box with a ¼ Turn, Rock Recover, Right Sailor Step
1&2                          Step left back, step right next to left, step left forward
3,4                           Cross right over left, step back left making a ¼ turn right,
5,6                           Rock right to right side, rock back onto left
7&8                          Step right behind left, step left next to right, step right to right side

[49-56] Behind, Step ¼ Turn, Rock, Rock, Sailor, Step, Hold & Step
1,2                           Step left behind right, step ¼ turn right onto right
3,4                           Rock left to left side, recover
5&6                          Left behind right, right next to left, left to left side
7&8                          Hold, step right next to left, step left to left side

[57-64] Right Rock Recover, ½ Turn Shuffle, Step ½ Turn Coaster Step
1,2                           Rock forward onto right, recover onto left
3&4                          ¼ turn right onto right, step left next to right, ¼ turn right onto right
5                              .6 Step forward left, ½ turn left back onto right foot
7&8                          Step back on left step, step right next to left, step forward onto left.

TAG: 2 Count Tag on 6th wall Do the first 12 counts of the dance
1,2                           Rock forward on the right, rock back on the left – restart dance

correct :TAG: 2 Count Tag on 6th wall Do the first 14 counts of the dance

7,8                   Rock backward on the right, recover on the left – restart dance wall 7 at 12:00

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