Oasis of Line Dancing

About Us

Line Dance is a varying form of dances well loved by many all over the world. We are a group of like-minded souls dedicated to line dancing and we believe in sharing the joy and fun of line dancing. We welcome you to share with us your passion and love for line dancing. Included herein some guide on how to Line Dance, too!

TGIF - Thanks God It's Friday when we would gather to share a dance, practise new ones and have some fun. Cheers!

  Our Contact: beaverct@gmail.com

Website Launched - 14 March 2009

Our new website has been launched today.
The website serves as a platform for all line dancing people to communicate, share and enjoy line dancing without boundary. There is no such thing as yours or mine in this website. We believe that all, regardless of affiliation, tutorship, race, language or religion, can come together and share happenings, news, events, and activities pertaining to linedancing in the community.
Hence, the birth of Oasis of Line Dancing - https://linedancing.webnode.com

Search site


Line Dance, eveything about Line Dancing and other dances for your reading pleasure and learning curve! Also, guide on how to Line Dance for everyone, beginners, and intermediate. This website aims to carry on the tradition of selfless sharing of news, events, video, step sheets, and everything about line dancing, as Line Dancing evolves into a unique dance routine of its own identity. Herein, there are links to line dancing teachers or instructors for your convenience. Event Calendar provides information and dance list of parties or jams for all to join and enjoy.



We value contributions from all line dance lovers, and your articles and video are welcomed. Share a dance or video, and we'll publish them in the News & Step Sheets and Video sections, respectively. Enjoy!