Oasis of Line Dancing

Dances to usher in 2017 Lunar New Year... from some of your leading Asian choreographers!

13/01/2017 22:59

As usual, Asian choreographers always make efforts to pen line dances to usher in the lunar new year. Let's see what are some of these offerings this year and which one/s out of the10 present here is/are your favourites? We are sure there sre more of such festive line dances that we have missed out. While you enjoy the dance demos below, we have to qualify that those that we have missed out are equally good and our apology for not highlighting them this time. How to view and enjoy the dance? Simply click on the name of the choreographer/s for the dance demo below, enjoy and Happy Lunar New Year 2017 to one and all! 恭喜发财

Tina Chen  Sue-Huei - 來來過新年

Amy Yang - A New Year with Love

Adeline Cheng大地回春

Kenny Teh歡喜過新年

Monita Lim过年要红红

Mayee Lee - 恭喜喜发财财 


Molly Yeoh人人有转机

Line Dance Lover Group公雞八宅

Betty Lee 红运当头


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Reception of the God of Wealth   接财神

God of Wealth will arrive on the 1st day of

 the 1st Lunar Month (28/01/2017) from 

Southeast (1230). - 

Prayers to Grand Duke   拜太岁

Year - 2017
Gregorian Calendar - 28/1 - 11/2
Lunar Calendar - 1st -15th Day of 1st Month
Conflicting Zodiac Signs Who Should Pray
- Rabbit, Rooster
Life Palaces - Mao, You